Sunday, January 24, 2010

17 and Pregnant.

Everyone my age ask's me what it's like to be pregnant.
Well, i can tell you now, it is NOT fun. Being young, you're used to being comfortable, outgoing, happy, careless..ect....
All of these things seem to not exsist for a loooooonng 9 months.
I have been miserable my entire pregnancy,Although being able to feel my little boy moving and such inside of my tummy makes me smile.

once your past 5 months...

is impossible, theres no such thing. While just trying to watch TV on the couch, or going somewhere in your car, you toss,turn, roll around, get up an down.every way you situate yourself, you'll become uncomfortable after a matter of ten minutes or so.

If your favorite postion is sleeping on your tummy with your arms under your pillow like me, im sure you can already imagine that's not going to happen anymore =) yay. You cannot lay on your back because it is to difficult to breath from the pressure of baby, You lay on either of your sides,but after about thirty minutes your side will start to numb and fall asleep from the extra weight your body isn't used too. It seems like any position your in, you need about 10 pillows to support every part of your body. Pregnant women are required to get at least 8 hours of sleep which is almost impossible because ur so uncomfortable.If you don't get that 8 hours of very needed rest, you're going to pay for it the next day,in having no energy to even get off the couch.

Being women, we are generally self conscience creatures. Before you get pregnant you don't see having a pregnant belly as something that would make you feel fat. You're just pregnant, right? Well after three months, you'll begin to put all your clothes in storage, and walk around feeling like a bum because nothing but your sweat pants and pajama shirt fit. You start to loose the "beautiful pregnant belly" feeling after eevvverything growssssss.

Baby: 7-8 pounds
Placenta: 5 pounds
Amniotic fluid: 2 pounds
Uterus: 2 pounds
Maternal breast tissue: 2 pounds
Maternal blood : 4 pounds
Fluids in maternal tissue: 4 pounds
Maternal fat and nutrient stores: 7 pounds
TOTAL= 34 pounds =)

As the baby gets bigger, for me it was about 6 months,The back pain will start-up.
Your hips will spread out naturally throghout your pregnancy and it does NOT feel good.
Your Knees are sore from the weight that you gain in a short period of time. Bending over and squating is the worrst =/
Your organs have to share room with a big baby and its womb and a placenta. Most of it all goes UP, it is very hard to breath because of the pressure. shortness of breath also causes u to get lightheaded and dizzy.
Any salt you eat will cause your fingers and ankles to swell, not much to explain. for me, has not been an issue, some women's ankles turn into cankles lol.

SEX :-o :
I won't get tooooo into the topic =) haha,
Almost all of my young friends have asked me soo many things about sex durring pregnancy,I'll answer the most common questions.

Are you allowed to have sex when your pregnant?:
Yes, you can definitly have sex, it is not harmful to the baby, The baby is surrounded by so much fluid, the rocking motion of sex usually rocks the baby right to sleep. Durring the last couple weeks of your pregnancy the doctor will even advise you to have sex once a night because it can help put you into labor.

Are you more horny when you're pregnant?:
Some women are extremly horny, some can't get horny at all. some have AMAZING orgasms that they'll never have again after pregnancy, some can't even have one.

My god, everyone has heard the jokes about how crazy preggo's are. It is true..Your hormones durring pregnancy are insane. sometimes you'll wanna cry, for absolutely no reason. Things irritate you an you'll over react with anger and frustration. You cannot have the same patients you once did. I could go on but it would be to much to type.

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